Writerly Ambitions for 2016; Or, The Agonies I Inflict Upon Myself

7 thoughts on “Writerly Ambitions for 2016; Or, The Agonies I Inflict Upon Myself”

  1. Eeeep! This was wonderful to read! ;D And go you for finishing a first draft…YOU GOT THIS. (Also I frequently kidnap writerly friends to ask for their opinions….omg, the friends of writers really have to watch out, right?! Their lives are not safe. *nods sagely*) Finding joy in the midst of editing should be my goal. XD Aghhhh, editing is hard.
    ANYWAY! Best of luck and thanks for joining in our linkup! ;D

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    1. In some ways I find editing one of the less tortuous aspects of the process: I get to fix all the things I was cringing over while I wrote. At least, on the smaller scale. I may utterly recant when I begin story edits. Yes, one is never safe so long as one has a writer in one’s acquaintance…
      Thanks for the comment, Cait. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!


  2. Great post, Olivia! Henceforth, I shall be following your new blog. 😀

    Numbers 2 and 5 in the “5 areas to improve” section made me snicker out loud.

    You’re so write about the literary world being a bottomless pit! There can never be enough good books out there. (Which is a relief for us authors, right? We know there will always be room for our stories, no matter how many others exist.)

    I wish you the best with your writing goals! Keep us posted on that draft deadline. Merry writing, Olivia!

    Liked by 1 person

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